Monday, March 30, 2009

Pro-lifers concerned about potential DOJ scrutiny (

Pro-lifers concerned about potential DOJ scrutiny ( "Concerned Women for America has mailed a letter to U.S. senators raising questions about the Obama administration revisiting the past regarding groups and individuals who are pro-life.

The concern is over the prospect of another campaign like the one during the Clinton administration called the 'Violence Against Abortion Providers Conspiracy' -- or VAAPCON. Wendy Wright of Concerned Women for America -- whose group was among those targeted -- explains tactics during that campaign included wiretaps, mail monitoring, and infiltrators.

'It was a campaign of investigating and, frankly, intimidating pro-life and religious leaders,' says Wright. 'The Department of Justice [under Attorney General Janet Reno] investigated groups like [us], the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, Christian Coalition, National Right to Life, and even the [late] Catholic cardinal of New York, John O'Connor.'"

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